Theme of the Week: Forgiveness is Freedom
Bible Verse: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
Scripture Reading: Romans 3:9-28
This week we will be talking about forgiveness. God has made this incredible gift possible through His Son Jesus and He calls us to live as forgiven and forgiving men.
Some time ago, a friend released her first album. She had a release party at a club in Calgary. There were going to be a lot of college-age people in attendance, and I wanted to fit in . . . I was in my late thirties. I washed my favorite jeans a few days before to get ready for the event but forgot them in the washing machine. I threw them in the dryer with just enough time to wear them on the night in question.
Listening to the music with the other groupies, trying to be cool, I caught a wretched smell. I moved away, but the stink was there, too. Suddenly, I knew. It was the pants. I was the stink. For the rest of the evening, I kept moving around, never getting too close to anyone for fear they would smell me out.
That story reminds me of when Peter was in his boat early on in his relationship with Jesus. When he realized who Jesus was, he said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”
Peter understood that because of his sinfulness, he couldn’t be near the Lord Jesus.
Our sin is a wretched odor that separates us from God. The Bible says that wages of sin is death. We have a desperate need for forgiveness; without it we are dead.
Unlike my stinky pants, our sins can’t be cleaned up with a shot of Febreze. Our sin is a set-in smell that we cannot wash away. Whether it is from lust or violence, slander or envy, lying or cheating, we are all guilty.
Fortunately, Jesus can wash away the stink of our sin.
Thanks be to God.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, where would I be without your incredible gift of forgiveness? I am in desperate need of you. I have sinned. If not for you and your incredible sacrifice on the cross, I would be destined for hell. So, I thank you today. I thank you with all my heart. I am grateful that you saw my need and met it even before I realized how much trouble I was in. I could never repay you for what you have done, but I will surrender myself joyfully to you in gratitude. Amen.
Reflection: Is there a sin in your life that you are holding onto today? Ask Jesus to reveal to you any such evil and then confess it quickly to Him. Live in the freedom He offers.
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