Why did we make this change?

For over 25 years, Promise Keepers Canada was a conference-centered ministry calling men from across Canada to gather at large, impactful events. After many years of successful and well-attended conferences, we witnessed a significant change in conference attendance.

In 2017 after the explosion of digital and social media, the leadership team spent extensive time in prayer seeking the Lord’s guidance. As a result, God led us to explore the possibility of reaching generations of men globally online and reaching the next generation of men who primarily learn and interact online.

We’re the same ministry with the same vision –“To see every man becoming, growing, and living as a disciple of Jesus”

We had a successful launch of Impactus, but still have much work to do to make people aware of the ministry, the new name, and how we can help equip men and leaders of men for godly impact.

Help change the lives of men and equip them for a life of purpose & godly impact!