Why did we make this change?
For over 25 years, Promise Keepers Canada was a conference-centered ministry calling men from across Canada to gather at large, impactful events. After many years of successful and well-attended conferences, we witnessed a significant change in conference attendance.
In 2017 after the explosion of digital and social media, the leadership team spent extensive time in prayer seeking the Lord’s guidance. As a result, God led us to explore the possibility of reaching generations of men globally online and reaching the next generation of men who primarily learn and interact online.
We’re the same ministry with the same vision –“To see every man becoming, growing, and living as a disciple of Jesus”
We had a successful launch of Impactus, but still have much work to do to make people aware of the ministry, the new name, and how we can help equip men and leaders of men for godly impact.
Yes, a great deal of research (consultations, focus groups, town halls, etc.) was done on the Promise Keepers Canada brand name, awareness amongst men of all ages, feedback from younger men as well as the name Impactus.
Key research findings:
- The Promise Keepers Canada name was well known amongst core conference attendees over the years; however, the brand awareness and familiarity with what the ministry did was very low in Canada for a ministry that had existed for over 20 years.
- There was and is much confusion (which remains today) with PK USA. Many men feel PK Canada and PK USA are the same ministry. When interacting with Canadian men, many fondly recall “attending one of your conferences in the U.S.,” which is not the case.
- The name was often reduced to PK, PK Canada, or PKC, which added greater confusion and only served to hurt the awareness of the brand, as many men had no idea what PK was or stood for. Impactus cannot be short formed.
- There was a significant decline and plateauing in conference attendees. The ministry was not sustainable as a conference-only ministry.
- As Promise Keepers Canada, we were limited to doing ministry in Canada only as per our agreement with PK USA. To become a global ministry and reach men around the world, a new name and direction were necessary.
- A common theme amongst younger men surveyed, if they knew Promise Keepers at all (which was rare), was “Promise Keepers is something my dad or my grandfather did.” A new brand and online direction were necessary to effectively reach the sons and grandsons of men who have attended PK conferences over the years.
God planted the seed of an idea in 2017. The change was not taken lightly and involved much prayer and seeking God’s direction. The transition began in September 2020 and was communicated to ALL Promise Keepers Canada constituents, including donors, conference attendees over many years, Daily Devotional, email subscribers, and more.
Brand Transition, as seen on our website and in ALL communications since 2020:
- September 2020 - Promise Keepers Canada | Impactus
- September 2021 - Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada
- September 2023 - Impactus
Our vision remains the same today as it did many years ago – “To see every man becoming, growing, and living as disciples of Jesus Christ.” In order to continue to work towards this vision, our mission has to change. The world is dramatically different than it was in 1995, and the method of reaching “every man” has to change. The next generation of men does not relate to Promise Keepers Canada, and the name restricts ministry efforts to Canada only.
Promise Keepers Canada is not the first brand to successfully change its name.
Here are some famous brands that have changed their names:
Gideons > ShareWord Global
Campus Crusade For Christ > CRU
Facebook > Meta
Cadabra > Amazon
BackRub > Google
Blue Ribbon Sports > Nike
RIM > Blackberry
Brad’s Drink > Pepsi
Starbucks Coffee > Starbucks
Kentucky Fried Chicken > KFC
World Wrestling Federation > WWE
Pete’s Super Submarines > Subway
No. At the root of Promise Keepers Canada, leadership wanted to draw men closer to God – and this has not changed.
Our core beliefs and statement of faith have not changed. We have moved away from the Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper and made this change on the new website launched in September 2020. We will revise and develop new ministry value statements to strengthen our commitments and clarify our focus.
How we communicate and the tools we use may change, including fewer conferences and more digital content. Our world is changing, and we are changing with it. Please note that “we are changing” but not the gospel or the need for the gospel in all men’s lives.
Impactus is a Latin word that comes from the root word IMPACT. One of the meanings of impact is “to press closely into something as in to leave a mark.” For men to have a godly impact on the world around them, they must press closely into their walk with God and allow Him to press closely into us.
As well, Impactus is a universal word that does not require translation into other languages, which is significant to becoming an international ministry.
Yes. Impactus is and will remain a ministry to men. Our direction will focus on two groups of men:
Individual men (with an intentional strategy to reach younger men)
Our mission is to “Ignite and equip men to have a godly impact.” Our vision is “To see every man becoming, growing, and living as disciples of Jesus Christ:
This includes men of all ages. We will continue to intentionally reach younger men while continuing to speak into the lives of men who have grown with Promise Keepers for over 25 years.
Men’s Ministry Leaders
As a men’s ministry, we believe that ministry to men is a critical way to see every man become grow and live as a disciple of Jesus. Our heart is to help local churches and leaders develop life-changing ministries to men. When authentic discipleship takes place, it changes the lives of men, their families, the church, and the community.
Our website and social media presence will be stronger than ever. Our online and social presence will be branded as Impactus and will speak to generations of men. We will have more resources for men of all ages and men’s ministry leaders as we seek to see every man become, grow, and live as a disciple of Jesus.
- The website URL changed to in September 2020 and will remain this way.
- The social media username changed to @impactusmen in September 2020 and will remain this way, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Yes. Our email address will change to when the Impactus brand launch takes place the week of September 10, 2023. Our email domain will no longer be; however, if you use that email, it will automatically redirect for a short while to our new Impactus email and will be received. Be sure to add us to your address book or safe senders list.
Yes, the official name of the ministry will change from Promise Keepers Canada to Impactus Ministries once the application has been approved.
Your donation will remain showing as is for now. When the business name is changed to Impactus Ministries, the credit card donation will be changed.
Your tax receipt will remain showing as Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada for now. When the business name of the ministry is changed to Impactus Ministries, the tax receipt will be changed.