Men’s Ministry Leader Networks (Canada)
Join a community of Men’s Ministry Leaders to build more effective ministry to men in the local church, where men are discipling other men.
Apply now to join the Impactus Men’s Ministry Leader Network
To see every man becoming, growing and living as a disciple of Jesus.Purpose
Developing ministry to men in my community through local churches.- Annual Men’s Ministry Leadership Summit
- FREE access to Men’s Ministry Leadership Training
- Discounted rate for Small Group Leader Training
- Discounted rate for Leadership Coaching
- Webinars on leadership
- Connect with other leaders in our private Facebook group
- You’re the men’s ministry leader in your church or have a desire to become a men’s ministry leader
- Complete the Impactus Men’s Ministry Leadership Training Course (Free). Self-paced over one year
- Quarterly calls with your Community Network Leader
- Actively promote National Conferences / Simulcast and Regional Timeouts where applicable
- Attend leadership development webinars