
A Christian podcast for men. Each episode focuses on real-life issues men care about.

EP 73: The Discipleship Opportunity with Daniel Im

Men, Do You Know Who You Are?

EP 72: From Orphans to Sons to Mission with Thanh Campbell

Are Young Men Really Struggling? | A Response to Scott Galloway

Can we help you find something?

Jiu Jitsu, Jesus & Growing as a Man

Seemingly more than ever, young men are enrolling in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). What is it about it that is...

Being a Dad in an UnChristian World | Impactus Young Man’s Podcast

Fatherhood is obviously one of the most significant callings in a man’s life. But in a world with many different...

Simple Money, Rich Life with Bob Lotich | Impactus Young Man’s Podcast

As a man, there can be an immense pressure to be as rich as possible, and to base your identity...

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