Theme of the Week: Living in Light of the Resurrection
Bible Verse: “Behold, a great multitude that no one could number.” Revelations 7:9a
Scripture Reading: Genesis 13:1-18
Someone once said: “If you commit to nothing, you will be distracted by everything.” We live in what is called “the age of distraction.”
God gave Abraham a piece of land and blessed him, and Abraham prospered. As part of God’s promise (Gen 12:1-3), Abraham’s nephew, Lot, was also blessed and prospered.
Then problems began: Abraham’s servants and Lot’s servants were quarrelling.
To put a stop to this, Abraham offered to let Lot choose any land for himself, and they would move apart (8-9). “Lot lifted his eyes and saw” (Gen. 13:10). Lot chose the Jordan Valley (11) and “moved his tent as far as Sodom” (12). This was prime land to grow crops and find prosperity, but it was also where the men were wicked (13). Lot became distracted.
Why is distraction a problem? The consequences of getting distracted and burning your toast are fairly negligible. However, when we are distracted and “see” good things in this life that may become god-things, it can be costly for our souls.
Lot’s distraction from God’s promises caused him to put his life and his family’s life in jeopardy. But God loved Lot and came to his rescue; God pointed out to “righteous Lot” the right direction (2 Pet. 2:7).
The resurrection of Jesus is God’s rescue mission to deliver us from our distractions. Just like God said to Abraham, He says to us: “Lift up your eyes and look from the place you are” (Gen 13:14). Hebrews 12:2 tells us to “look to Jesus” who saw the “joy set before him.” To look to the risen Jesus is to take our focus away from any distractions.
Jesus points us in the right direction and gives us a beautiful “sight” that can only be seen by faith. Like Abraham, who trusted God and became a blessing, and like Jesus, who foresaw His Church as His joy, can you see the great multitude of worshipers on that day? Or are you distracted and missing out on contributing to this great vision?
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