Theme of the Week: Bible Reading
Bible Verse: “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds” 1 Peter 2:12
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:16; 4:4
Do you ever feel like Christianity is being pushed to the margins? Do you think twice before you mention to others your beliefs on topics like cohabitation, gender, abortion, and homosexuality?
You may remember days when the Christian church was more mainstream. Many people went to church or at least were sympathetic to the church. Many people thought like you and talked like you. No more. Those days are long gone. The church is in the minority. When you espouse your Christian views too freely, it won’t take long to find opposition.
It may be frustrating to feel like your faith is causing you problems. After all, in the west, Christians have had it easy for a long time. But in the letter of 1 Peter, the apostle Peter was writing to various Christians scattered throughout what we know now as Turkey. Persecution—property seizure, imprisonment, beatings—against Christians was growing because their beliefs and practices weren’t consistent with the majority.
Peter acknowledged the antagonism towards believers when he wrote, “Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds” (2:12). What was the supposed wrong that believers were accused of? Their leader, Jesus, was considered questionable, having been executed by the government. Christians also didn’t follow the more popular pagan and Roman beliefs and rituals. Winning people to Jesus could also affect the bottom line of businesses, for example, as new believers would no longer buy idols.
Further on in chapter 3, Peter understands that there are “those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ” (3:16). The letter goes on in chapter 4 to describe non-believers some more: “They are surprised that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living, and they heap abuse on you” (4:4).
In all these references to opposition, Peter encourages the Christians to continue to do good: “Live such good lives”; “your good deeds”; “your good behavior in Christ”; “that you do not join them in their reckless, wild living”. Peter himself was once a self-admitted “sinful man” (Luke 5:8), at the beginning of his journey with Jesus. But he decided to repent and follow the way of Jesus. Peter was certainly no hypocrite in telling his readers in 1 Peter to live righteous lives in the face of opposing views (though he still had some stumbles in his journey with Jesus).
Your coworkers today may encourage you to take it easy and not put in an honest effort. Or to take home some small stuff like pens or nuts and bolts. You may be laughed at for your views about sex. You may be derided as being narrow-minded and intolerant because of your views on gender and sexuality.
Stand firm. 1 Peter encourages us to continue to live good lives. Of course, there are nuances to this, and every situation is unique. Some of you may deal with minor friction because of your Christian faith whereas others may be dealing with outright hostility. Either way, God calls us to maintain our integrity and to live solid Christian lives in the face of any adversity. Peter even suggests that our faithful living may someday cause our critics shame for their slander (3:16). Keep your witness for the Lord!
Prayer: Father, sometimes it gets frustrating when others challenge or even ridicule me for believing in You and trying to be a dedicated Christian. May I not falter and may You motivate and empower me to enjoy living the Christian life before others.
Reflection: Am I committed to living the Christian life despite any opposition? Do others around me even know I’m a Christian or am I hiding it out of fear?
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