A Godly Man is Not an Island

In Daily Devotional by Tim Bergmann

Theme of the Week: Godly Men Are Team Players

Bible Verse: There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. “For whom am I toiling,” he asked, “and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?” This too is meaningless – a miserable business! Ecclesiastes 4:8

Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 4:8

In 1964, Paul Simon wrote a song called “I Am a Rock”. Today, if someone sings the words, “I am a rock,” it’s likely most people would follow with, “I am an iiiiiiis-land.”

Initially, the song feels like a strong, alpha male type of song.

It gives the impression that we can do it on our own. We can be a Clint Eastwood-type lone bounty hunter. We can take on the world like Chuck Norris – a force of one.

But a closer look at the words of the song reveal that Simon was playing his cards more honestly than that.

I’ve built walls
A fortress deep and mighty
That none may penetrate
I have no need of friendship, friendship causes pain
It’s laughter and it’s loving I disdain
I am a rock
I am an island

There has obviously been hurt there. That is most often why someone would want to be a lone wolf. It’s not out of strength; it’s often out of fear and hurt.

God did not create us to be alone; He created us for community. Solomon describes the man who is all alone, and his conclusion is that it’s a miserable business.

We need each other – brothers who will stand side by side and this will help us be the best we can be. When there is community there is the hope of better accomplishment, encouragement, protection, transformation, and accountability.

We are simply better together.

We are simply better together.

I know it is a risk to make yourself vulnerable to a few good men. It’s easier to stay hidden and to stay at arm’s length from others. It’s hard to find the right people to trust yourself to.

Trust me, it is worth the effort. Ask the Lord Jesus to bless you with brothers who you can be honest with. Pray that He will make you the type of person that someone else could trust.

If anyone could have done it alone, it was Jesus, but He surrounded Himself with brothers that He could do life with and lean on. Let’s follow His example and do life together today.

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Tim Bergmann
Tim Bergmann is the lead pastor at Alliance Community Church in Sylvan Lake, AB. Some of Tim’s favorite things about ministry are being with people and dreaming great big dreams of the future together. He loves how God chooses to work through us even though we are broken and fallen, and how God uses His word to comfort and guide and encourage and convict.
Tim Bergmann
Tim Bergmann is the lead pastor at Alliance Community Church in Sylvan Lake, AB. Some of Tim’s favorite things about ministry are being with people and dreaming great big dreams of the future together. He loves how God chooses to work through us even though we are broken and fallen, and how God uses His word to comfort and guide and encourage and convict.