Do you ever get tired of people/charities asking you for money? I do. And I work for one of those charities.
I have been thinking a lot about both sides of this story. On one hand, it can be difficult and overwhelming to have so many people asking you to financially support their cause. For the charity, it feels impossible to stop asking for financial support because advancing their mission requires the support of people. Is it possible to deal with these challenges in a way that would be beneficial for both the organization and the donor?
Last year, I had the opportunity to sit in a room with dozens of Christian ministry leaders and donors to discuss this very real tension. It was an important time as we learned what life is like from the other person’s perspective.
My response to this tension is going to focus on how I think I/we should respond as followers of Jesus.
1. Remember – it’s God’s money and not yours.
When I feel tired about people asking for money, I need to check my own heart and find out why I am tired. If I’m annoyed because I carry the attitude that this money is mine, then I have missed the point. The Bible is very clear that everything belongs to God – including the money I think belongs to me. So, why am I getting upset by a good cause wanting to access God’s money?
2. You have the opportunity to invest God’s money.
The Bible teaches that we are managers of God’s money. You and I should consider this reality when it comes to our giving. Your support of a charity / mission, etc. should be seeking the greatest possible investment in God’s work in this world. Money is one way we get to partner with what God wants to do to bring hope and life in the world. God expects us to give and invest His money. Invest wisely.
3. We need each other.
The Bible also teaches that we are members of the Body of Christ, and we all need each other. You need to work with certain charities / ministries to accomplish the work God wants to accomplish through His money. Those charities / ministries need your participation in order to cover the costs associated with doing the work of ministry. Instead of being annoyed by people asking for money, consider if this is who God wants you to work together with for a greater cause.
4. Be Honest
Charities do not want to waste their time or money talking to people who have no interest in their mission – especially when it comes to financial support. If you know that God has not given you a burden, desire, or even command to invest in that particular emphasis of God’s Kingdom work – then be honest enough to let the organization know. You can bless each other and move on because it is all God’s money anyways. We can all be part of the same Kingdom without being part of the same tribe.
5. Live Guilt Free
Sometimes people give out of a sense of guilt. They want a ministry or organization to continue to exist because they have a sentimental attachment to it. However, if God has called you to support someone or something else – do it. At the end of the day, you are not the provider for that ministry – God is. He will give ministries what they need to do the work He wants them to do – not always the work they want to do.
The next time a fellow Christian asks for financial support, be kind and gracious to them. They are your brother or sister in Christ. We are on the same team. Instead of being annoyed by them, pray for God to give them all they need and if you should be part of the solution as well.
And yes – I am inviting you to invest in helping to build up men. Our world desperately needs positive male role models. The life of a man is often the direct root link to every major social and relational challenge in the family, church, and society. I know God is using Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada to make a difference in building up men.