Thanksgiving gratitude and Kirk Giles weighs in!

In Ask by Dean Brenton

Please consider becoming an Impact Partner monthly giver. Your support will help us advance the mission and reach men of all ages, bring them to God, heal spiritual brokenness, and equip them to lead and mentor other men in need. You can donate here

The apostle Paul’s signature greeting, “grace and peace”, is a great way to begin. Every day we are recipients of His “grace upon grace” and “peace that passes understanding.” We have so much to be thankful for.

This Thanksgiving, I’m particularly grateful for you for standing with us—especially during the past few years. Despite the ups and downs, starts and stops, we were able to minister to men
online, confirming the direction we believe God gave us years earlier.

Now, with your Kingdom investment, we’re accelerating this direction and moving forward with faith and expectancy!

1. Retiring the Promise Keepers Canada Name

The journey of becoming Impactus began in 2019 and is now complete. We’re retiring the Promise Keepers Canada name, but our vision remains the same, “To see every man becoming, growing, and living as a disciple of Jesus.”

This is about much more than a new name. It’s a new direction to become online-focused, reaching multi-generations of men globally. As Promise Keepers Canada, we were limited to ministry in Canada. Now as Impactus, we reach hundreds of thousands of men around the world. We will continue to hold in-person events (like conferences and workshops) across Canada.

2. A New Name – Same Ministry and Godly Principles

The heart of the ministry has always been to point men to Jesus, and this will not change. How we communicate and the tools we use have changed. Our world is changing, and we are changing with it. But know that while “we are changing,” our commitment to the gospel and discipleship for men around the world has not been altered one iota.

I’m pleased to share our priority projects moving forward:

Future Focused

Building awareness of Impactus globally and the need to point men to Jesus everywhere.

Next Generational

Reaching Gen Z and Millennial men through content and events relevant to the next generation.

Disciple Making

Men’s ministry networks, leadership training, and resources to equip men and leaders of men for godly impact.

The name of God, Jehovah-Jireh (‘the Lord provides’), is one I love. It is the name given by Abraham to the site where the Lord provides the ram in the thicket so that Isaac is spared (Genesis 22).

Abraham obeyed the Lord with assurance in his heart that the Lord would honour his previous promise. When Isaac asked where the sheep was to sacrifice, Abraham replied, “God will provide himself with a sheep for a sacrifice, my son” (Genesis 22:8). What faith and what commitment to the Lord!

Today, I’m asking you to consider becoming an Impact Partner monthly giver to Impactus.

Your partnership will advance the mission and reach men of all ages, bring them to God, heal spiritual brokenness, and equip them to lead and mentor other men in need.

Thank you for being our partners in Christ and for making a Kingdom investment by being an Impact Partner monthly donor.

Kirk Giles, Former President, Promise Keepers Canada (2009-2020), Weighs In

Q: Under your leadership, Promise Keepers Canada began the transition to Impactus. Why was that a priority for the ministry at the time?

KG: There were several factors that led to the move to Impactus. Above all, we felt God was calling us to go in a new direction. Conference attendance was declining, and the age of the men attending events was getting older. However, our online presence was growing. We sensed a call to reach the next generation of men and to reach men of Canada, and beyond the borders of Canada. The most effective way to do this was through online and social media platforms where there are no borders and where young men engage and learn.

What was the process?

Q: Under your leadership, Promise Keepers Canada began the transition to Impactus. Why was that a priority for the ministry at the time?

KG: It all started with prayer and a lot of it. We did extensive research on the Promise Keepers name and ministry and learned that younger men overwhelmingly saw Promise Keepers as “an event my dad went to.” We celebrated the reality of how God used the ministry in the past, but this perception raised two concerns: (1) we were seen as an event-only ministry, even though we support men every day of the year in multiple ways, and (2) there was a prevailing notion that Promise Keepers was for older men, making it difficult to attract Millennial and Gen Z who were then just becoming men.

Q: How was the new name intended to advance the ministry?

KG: We were always committed to the mission above all else—”to ignite and equip men to have a godly impact” — but there were multiple barriers. Impactus removed the barrier to reaching men beyond Canada and truly supported our vision to see every man becoming, growing, and living as a disciple of Jesus. We could remove the identity of being a conference ministry and “an event my dad went to” and replace it with a name that says we serve men all year long through both our online presence and physical presence in Canadian communities.

Q: As a pastor, can you comment on the value of Impactus for the local church?

KG: am who I am as a man, in part, because of this ministry. I have always believed that when men are walking with Jesus and truly “pressing in” to their walk with Him and having His life pressed into their lives, everyone wins. Impactus is an important resource to help the church develop leaders and strengthen families and entire congregations. If churches want to see more men loving and pointing their families to Jesus—and more men invested in the mission of the church—then being connected to Impactus will be one of the most strategic steps you could take.

Please consider becoming an Impact Partner monthly giver. Your support will help us advance the mission and reach men of all ages, bring them to God, heal spiritual brokenness, and equip them to lead and mentor other men in need. You can donate here

Dean Brenton
Dean is the President of Impactus. He has been an active part of denominational, national, and parachurch committees, initiatives and events as well as international and local mission projects. He previously served for 13 years as the Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives/Executive Director of Church Ministries for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL). He also served as a Part-Time Instructor with Tyndale University (Toronto, ON) and Queen’s College (St. John’s, NL).
Dean Brenton
Dean is the President of Impactus. He has been an active part of denominational, national, and parachurch committees, initiatives and events as well as international and local mission projects. He previously served for 13 years as the Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives/Executive Director of Church Ministries for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL). He also served as a Part-Time Instructor with Tyndale University (Toronto, ON) and Queen’s College (St. John’s, NL).