Bible Verse: “When he returned the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, she said, ‘I solemnly consecrate my silver to the Lord for my son to make an image overlaid with silver. I will give it back to you.’” (Judges 17:3)
Scripture Reading: Judges 17:1–18:31
The book of Judges has covered decades. Over the course of those years, we have read of the deterioration of the leadership in Israel with only a big-picture view of the general population. Obviously, Israel was violating their covenant with God. That’s why He continued to “give them over” to their enemies.
In the last two stories captured in this tortured account of Israel’s history, however, we move from the lives of the leaders to the general populace. The story in today’s text should come with a content warning: gratuitous violence.
What resulted in the destruction of an entire city and the murder of its inhabitants began with idolatry. This story illustrates just how far from Yahweh Israel has wandered. In an odd retelling of family thievery, a man returns his mother’s silver only to have her dedicate it to the Lord.
If the story stopped there, it could be a beautiful account of repentance and restoration. Unfortunately, that ending is literally mid-sentence. The mother then returns the silver to her son…to make an idol! The silver she had just dedicated to the Lord she gave to her son to violate the second commandment (Exodus 20:4-6)! Israel had lost all her knowledge of God.
And in the absence of knowledge and dedication to God, might made right. Scripture paints the warriors of Dan as a band of roving thugs who simply take whatever they want, and anyone who gets in their way is simply dispatched without much thought or concern, even their own countrymen.
At this point, Israel is little better (if any) than any of the other tribal nations that surround them. Their common bond as Yahweh’s rescued people meant nothing to them, and they bore the consequences of their actions.
May we, as men, not follow their example!
Prayer: God, it is terrifying to think what can happen when dedication to you wanes, and our baser instincts are allowed to have their way. Thank You for the stories that capture the realities of life in this fallen world. Help me to remember You and to help others to remember You, too. Amen.
Reflection: Have you seen things done in the Lord’s name that contradict His character and Word? How do you respond to those things?
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