Boxed in by Suffering

In Daily Devotional by LifeBridge Church

Theme of the Week: Boxed In

Bible Verse: “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalms 73:26

Scripture Reading: Romans 5:3-5

When we see evil or go through a season of suffering, it often makes us cry out to God, “Why?” That’s how suffering boxes us in. Because suffering doesn’t make sense. How do you respond when you or a family member receives some discouraging news from the doctor? A job you were counting on falls through? You find out that the girl or guy of your dreams doesn’t feel the same about you? You lose a loved one? A natural disaster strikes, destroying thousands of innocent lives? Everything in us knows this is not the way it’s supposed to be.

God feels the same way. Evil and suffering were never His desire for us. But as sin and death entered into the world, we were destined to suffer. In sending Jesus to earth, we learn that God doesn’t let us suffer alone. And through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we learn that we have a God that does answer the “why do bad things happen?” as He takes on the punishment for our sins. Sin and evil are so bad that not only does it cost us everything, it also cost God everything.

We’re often told to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, but there are valleys in life that we aren’t capable of climbing out of on our own. The strongest people of faith are the ones who know their weaknesses and surrender them to the God who holds the universe in the palm of His hand. The only thing that can bring true and lasting peace is the presence of God.

Question: Describe or think about your most significant season of suffering. How can the presence of God give you true and lasting peace?

Devotional series provided by LifeBridge Church

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LifeBridge Church
LifeBridge in Kennesaw, GA, is a safe place to explore faith & following Jesus. Their purpose is to bridge the gap for each other from where we are to where God wants us to be.
LifeBridge Church
LifeBridge in Kennesaw, GA, is a safe place to explore faith & following Jesus. Their purpose is to bridge the gap for each other from where we are to where God wants us to be.