Bible Verse: In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses proclaimed to the Israelites all that the Lord had commanded him concerning them. Deuteronomy 1:3
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-46
A lot can happen in forty years.
Perhaps that should be filed in the “Overtly Obvious and Unnecessary” folder.
My life has only spanned about six years longer than that period and, yeah, a lot has happened. I’ve changed, the world has certainly changed, my family and friends have changed, and my geography has changed (several times).
Oddly enough, in the course of forty years, not much changed for the people of Israel.
They wandered the same geography and still had complaints about their situation. Had some highs and some lows, times of faithfulness and times of less than faithfulness.
The book of Deuteronomy begins at the end of forty years of wandering in the wilderness. The last person of the unfaithful generation who didn’t trust God to carry them into the Promised Land has been laid in the soil (Numbers 14:21-23). A new generation will now, hopefully, take possession of the Promised Land.
Deuteronomy is Moses’ farewell speech to the Israelites. He would not be entering the Promised Land with Israel. His own pride and anger forfeited his place in the land of plenty (Numbers 20:12).
This week, we will spend some time seeing God and ourselves in the words of Moses in Deuteronomy. We will get a glimpse of how important identity was and is to the people of God. And, because Deuteronomy brings a second giving of the Law, perhaps we will grasp just a little deeper what God asks of us as His people.
Forty years, and Israel is once again on the edge of the Promise. Forty years, and God is still there waiting to take them into their rest.
Israel’s forty years of wandering in the wilderness were the result of their own disobedience and their mistrust of God’s faithfulness, power, and provision. However, Israel’s doubt and fear didn’t negate God’s character. Over the stretch of their punishment, God still walked with them, caring for them and providing for them.
Our faithlessness never changes the character of God. God is who He is no matter what we say or do.
Prayer: Faithful God, thank You that You are unchanging in the midst of a changing world and my own changing mind. Help me this week to see You better as I encounter You in the verses of Deuteronomy. Help me to see what You have given in these stories so that I can be the man You have created me to be. Help me to learn from others who have followed You so that I may lead others to You. Amen.
Reflection: Think over your past forty years (or however long you have followed God) and ask yourself how God has been faithful. What can you remember about what God has done? Is there anything that perhaps you have forgotten? Where might you have fallen short of living into your calling to be the man God created you to be? Thank God for His faithfulness today, and consider how you might better follow Him.
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