Theme of the Week: Betting Better
Bible Verse: And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. Acts 2:42–44
Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-47
What is your family schedule like? Does it ever seem like all the family members are going in different directions all the time? One way to fight that trend is to make dinner time a priority.
As husbands and fathers, dinner time is one of the best ways to reconnect with your family.
Is there anything magical about having a meal together? There could be. In fact, throughout Scripture we see significant moments happen over meals. (Feeding of the 5,000, The Last Supper). And studies show that when families make it a habit of eating dinner together, teenagers are less likely to use drugs or alcohol and are less likely to have high stress. Kids of all ages do better in school. Eating together isn’t the only thing that makes families strong, but it is a good indicator that family members are making time together a priority.
One sobering exercise is to calculate how many days you have left with your children before they leave home. If your child were born today, you would have just over 6,500 days and dinner opportunities left to influence and connect with him or her at home. If your child is nine, cut that number in half. If your child is twelve, you have just under 2,200 days left with him or her. One father of a high school senior says that every time his son suggests that they do something together, he finds a way to make it work because he knows those opportunities are almost gone.
Sharing of Scripture at Dinner: One of the few times you will have the full attention of your family is at the dinner table. Take that opportunity to share a Bible verse and then talk about what that verse means, or for your children to share what their day was like.
Dinner Time Challenge: How can you lead your family spiritually at meals? What’s a question you can ask at the dinner table to engage your family?
— Sam Casey, Content Editor for Uncommen
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