Theme of the Week: Why Church?
Bible Verse: But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. Ephesians 4:7
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-32
Recently, I was driving home from a friend’s house, around 11 pm. I noticed the car behind me was changing lanes every time I changed lanes. Even before the flashing lights came on, I knew who it was. The officer pulled me over; I hadn’t been speeding, but I dutifully got out my driver’s license and registration.
When he came to the window, he informed me that my left taillight was out. Fortunately, he didn’t give me a ticket, and he didn’t leave any doubt that it should get fixed as soon as possible. Everything else was working on my car except that one taillight, but that was enough to end up on the side of the road with the office that night.
The Bible teaches that everyone who believes in Jesus is a member of one body, the body of Christ. Since that is the case, we all need to do our part in order for the body to function as it was meant to.
You have been uniquely gifted by God. Maybe you have the gift of discernment or wisdom or service. Maybe you are a teacher or a giver or an encourager. If you keep those gifts to yourself and don’t share them with the rest of the body of Christ, the body will suffer.
When God gives gifts, they are meant to be shared. You have a part to play in the church. Yes, you need the church to meet your needs, but the church also needs you. There will be lives that won’t be reached, ministries that won’t succeed, or directions that won’t be pursued unless you bring what God has given you to the table.
Prayer: Father, I know that I cannot follow you alone. Whenever I try, I eventually tire and fail. Thank you for (name a friend or two) who have helped me to remain faithful to you, through encouragement and challenge. Help me to be an encourager to others.
Reflection: Tell one friend (text, email, or face to face) this week that you appreciate their friendship and encouragement in your spiritual life.
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