Follow the Leader

In Daily Devotional by Brad Klassen

Theme of the Week: Raising Godly Kids

Bible Verse: These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God. Genesis 6:9

Scripture Reading: Genesis 6:9–7:24

You remember the game, Follow the Leader? It’s a game most of us played as kids. When you were the leader, it was fun to be in front. And there were times when as the follower, we had to trust the one going ahead of us. The funny thing about that game is that I am still playing it.

In Genesis 6-7, we read the account of Noah and his family. The story jumps into to his life when he is approximately 500 years old with one simple sentence:

“Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God” (Genesis 6:9).

Can you imagine your first 500 years of life (or your first 20, 30, 40, etc) being summed up like that?! I mean, put that on a gravestone and call it a day, right?!

But his story doesn’t end there. Verse 10 continues and says he “had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.”

Then came Noah’s calling to build the ark.

That means that Noah was already following God while his three sons were watching him do it.

In other words, he was playing Follow the Leader.

As a dad, you are given an incredible opportunity to be a leader to your kids. That may not sit well with some men, but it is true. The question is: Where are you leading them?

Noah lived in a harsh culture. And when God asked him, and him alone, to do something, what did he do? He obeyed, and his sons followed him.

In some ways, our culture might seem very similar to Noah’s, but what about our character? Is that like Noah’s? Are we willing to stand out and follow Jesus so that our kids can follow us to Him?

In truth, we are leaders to our kids no matter where we are going. Let’s walk faithfully with God so that our kids can follow us and walk faithfully with Him too.

Prayer: Jesus, Thank You that You are my leader. Help me to be the leader I need to be for my kids so that as they follow me, I will lead them to You. Amen.

Reflection: Read Genesis 6-7 and see how Noah’s story as a dad from thousands of years ago can still speak to us today.

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Brad Klassen
Brad Klassen is the award-winning author of The Unforgettable Adventures of Junior Bear book series. His passion is to bring God’s word to life for people of all ages. Currently, he is a Kids Pastor in Steinbach, MB, where he lives with his wife and 4 kids.
Brad Klassen
Brad Klassen is the award-winning author of The Unforgettable Adventures of Junior Bear book series. His passion is to bring God’s word to life for people of all ages. Currently, he is a Kids Pastor in Steinbach, MB, where he lives with his wife and 4 kids.