Theme of the Week: Being Good Stewards of Creation
Bible Verse: “Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” Acts 14:17 NIV
Scripture Reading: Acts 14:17, Acts 17:24-25, Genesis 1:4, 1:10, 1:12,1:18, 1:21, 1:25
We often think of the goodness of God when it has a direct effect on us.
For example, when we get a raise at work, when we recover supernaturally from an injury or sickness, or when our sports team wins a championship. (Ok, not sure how much God has to do with that last one, but you can’t tell me you don’t pray!) It seems easier, I think, to recognize the goodness of God when it’s so obvious. But what about all the blessings that we don’t see or are less obvious?
To me, that’s where some of the most impacting experiences come from – the moments where God’s goodness is less obvious, but I somehow am aware of it. Don’t let God’s subtleness fool you though, God’s great love and power are still on display in the less obvious blessings of life.
I think that’s where “God’s goodness in creation” fits into the category of the “less obvious” blessings. Maybe it’s familiarity or simply forgetfulness that we don’t notice God’s goodness in His creation. It’s why I love going to the mountains. God’s goodness, creativity and power are on full display. Even on a cloudy day, I can’t miss being thankful for the beauty I see.
I think farmers understand this more, with so much dependence on the weather and environment to make a living. They see God send the rain when needed and then see Him provide hot sunny days when it’s harvest time. That’s God’s goodness in action.
There are so many other great examples of God’s goodness in creation. Why don’t you take a moment right now to think about what they are and thank Him?
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