Theme of the Week: All Things New: New Passions and Goals
Bible Verse: “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” Galatians 5:24, NIV
Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:16-25
When you make God the centre of everything you do, your fleshly passions and desires will begin to die over time. Saying that doesn’t mean we don’t have passions and desires. But we will begin to focus on using them to exalt God, glorify him and help establish his kingdom here on earth. It’s like our motivation behind our goals begins to change.
A desire is to have a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wanting to see something happen. What does that look like when you put God in the center of your desires?
I truly believe every dream can be used to glorify God when we are seeking him first above everything else. I believe a dream to make money can be used to glorify God as we use our wealth to bless the poor or organizations that rely on donations to operate. I have heard young people saying they have a desire to be popular, which at first I felt was self-centered. But then I thought about that a little more. If you’re popular, you have influence. What if you used that popularity and influence to invite people to church or start a ministry at school?
Can you use your desires so people can see God through you and your actions? I believe so. This is why loving God above all allows him to work through you and the desires he puts on your heart to pursue.
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