Theme of the Week: Maximum Joy
Bible Verse: “And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.” 1 John 1:4
Scripture Reading: Romans 5:5-10
Our love for God can never equal His infinite love for us. He loved us when we were His enemies. But if our love for Him is to grow and be maximized, then it needs expression. Love longs for expression. Many people have lots of love bottled up within, but nowhere to express it.
John’s words in his first epistle explain the actions that love compels us to do: “The life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you this eternal life.” Just as the Magnetic Messiah drew us in through concentric circles, the ripples of our love relationship with Him go out. The concentric circles are expanding as we move from seeing to witnessing to proclaiming His love.
Have you ever seen a newly engaged damsel with a sparkler on her finger? Does she walk around with her hand behind her back so no one can see her engagement ring? No, she flashes it everywhere she goes.
The truth is that we talk about what we love the most. Most folks love their kids more than anything on earth, so they brag about their children every chance they get. Some people love possessions more than anything else, so you will hear them talking about money, their new boat or vacation home. Some guys love sports, so they talk about historic plays and record batting averages.
Then there are some people who talk about Jesus more than anything else. Why? Because they love Jesus more than anything!
When John said, “our” fellowship, he meant the shared experience that he and the other disciples had with Jesus. That’s what he wants to pass on. That’s what will meet our need for intimacy at the deepest level. And that intimacy will bring joy.
Verse four of chapter one tells us John’s ultimate purpose in writing this letter. He wants his readers to share his experience of Jesus so they can have the joy of fellowship with Jesus that John does. We are not to allow the love for this world, guilt, nor fear put a chain around our necks and keep us from relishing in the joy that comes from our fellowship with Him.
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