Theme of the Week: Real Men Love, Cherish and Value All Women
Bible Verse: “Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42
Scripture Reading: Luke 10:38-42
As you read the gospels, take note of how Jesus treated women. In Jesus’ day, women were of-ten on the periphery. They didn’t enjoy the same rights that men did. Many looked down on women, seeing them as inferior to men.
As Jesus interacted with women, he dignified them. In almost every encounter, he broke through cultural barriers and treated them as valuable.
For instance, Luke 10:38-42 tells the story of two sisters. Martha did the work that women would have been expected to do in that day. Mary sat down and listened to Jesus. Back then, women didn’t typically sit at the feet of a master and learn. They might hear Scripture taught in the synagogue or occasionally hear a rabbi teach, but they really weren’t expected to learn. They were expected to serve.
Jesus broke through that culture’s beliefs about gender and commended Mary for learning. It’s just one of many stories in which Jesus doesn’t do what’s expected. Instead, he dignifies and values women.
As you read the gospels, keep an eye open for how Jesus treated women. See how much women matter to him.
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