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How Will I Pay The Bills?

In Daily Devotional, Life Issues, Money, Work by Kirk Giles

Bible Verse: “Consider the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they?” Matthew 6:26

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:19-34

One of the big questions or fears many men have in this season is how they are going to be able to pay their bills. This is a very challenging time for many people when it comes to their finances. Today’s Scripture reading from Matthew 6 is filled with words of encouragement for us, but these words are also wrapped in a challenge for our life.

Jesus is speaking and wants you to know today how much you mean to the Father. If God the Father helps birds to find food and wildflowers to grow and flourish, then how much more will He do for you? You and your family matter far more to God than any bird or flower. He is your Provider.

As encouraging as this truth is – Jesus also wants us to see a bigger story.

In seasons of desperation in my own life, I have noticed a tendency to go into survival mode. While in survival mode, we make decisions that do not always honour God because we want to take control of the situation. In these seasons, money and physical needs can become our primary focus.

Jesus knows this is our tendency. His disciples had many of the same fears you and I have today. In verse 25, Jesus teaches us not to worry about what we are going to eat or drink or wear for clothing. Our Father knows we need these things, and life is about more than this anyways.

Jesus wants to redirect our focus from survival to obedience. In verse 33, he speaks to every person who is afraid for their finances – “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.” In the season of worrying about our finances, the call of Jesus is to focus on our obedience. When we seek first God’s kingdom, we are set free to love instead of making decisions out of survival.

This does not mean you should be foolish with your finances, because the Bible has plenty to say about how to handle money. It is a challenge from Jesus to make the focus of your entire life faithfulness to Him. When we do, He adds a promise: all the things our Father knows we need will be provided for us by our true Provider.

Today, will you trust Jesus to keep his promise to you?

Copyright © 2020 Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

Kirk Giles
Kirk Giles is the Co-Lead Pastor of Forward Church – a multi-site congregation based in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. He loves Jesus and being a husband, father, and grandfather (plus the Toronto Blue Jays). Kirk is the former President of Impactus (when it was Promise Keepers Canada) and has spent over twenty-five years helping men learn to follow Jesus.
Kirk Giles
Kirk Giles is the Co-Lead Pastor of Forward Church – a multi-site congregation based in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. He loves Jesus and being a husband, father, and grandfather (plus the Toronto Blue Jays). Kirk is the former President of Impactus (when it was Promise Keepers Canada) and has spent over twenty-five years helping men learn to follow Jesus.