Theme of the Week: Wisdom for the Ages
Bible Verse: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5–6 NKJV
Scripture Reading: Luke 9:23, Ephesians 5:15-20, James 4:7
It’s not unusual to see young adults getting married later, still living at home, or isolated in their bedroom with a gaming obsession. It’s something psychologists call prolonged or extended adolescence.
In our natural lives, as we grow up, we become more INDEPENDENT of our earthly parents. As we mature, we begin to build our own lives, careers, and homes.
There is, however, an interesting paradox at work in our spiritual lives. As we mature in our faith, we grow more DEPENDENT on our heavenly father.
Proverbs 3:5-6 describes this move from independence to dependence when it tells us, “. . .in all your ways acknowledge Him . . .” Solomon encourages us to exchange a self-absorbed focus for a steady focus on God, exchanging our limited knowledge by acknowledging God’s wisdom.
Acknowledging God is more than just a tip of the hat or a nod of affirmation. It is daily submission to his Lordship. This submission applies to “all our ways”—our homes, work, relationships, attitudes, and actions.
It is tempting to use verses like these as a “lucky rabbit’s foot” for major life decisions; what career, whom to marry, or where to live. I’m convinced that if we submit to His Lordship, daily commit to faith-forming practices, and continually seek His will for our lives, the answers to the big decisions we will face will come much more naturally. It might be counter-cultural, but maturity and strength come through acknowledging our need for God and His wisdom.
Prayer: Father, I acknowledge you today and invite your presence and wisdom in every part of my life. I surrender my whole life and every way to you because you are THE way, the truth and the life. Amen.
Reflection: The passage reminds us to acknowledge God in “all” our ways. Are some areas of your life outside of the Lordship of Christ? Identify them. Surrender them to the Lord. Take some time today in prayer and worship, acknowledging God and surrendering everything to Him.
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