Theme of the Week: Faith and Work
Bible Verse: “Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And aren’t his sisters here with us?” So they were offended by him.” Mark 6:3
Scripture Reading: Mark 6:1-6
Jesus worked. I can’t get over that.
For years, Jesus worked as a carpenter or builder. He came to this world to rescue it, and yet he spent most of his life as a blue-collar worker.
Dallas Willard once wrote, “If he were to come today as he did then, he could carry out his mission through most any decent and useful occupation. He could be a clerk or accountant in a hardware store, a computer repairman, a banker, an editor, doctor, waiter, teacher, farmhand, lab technician, or construction worker. He could run a housecleaning service or repair automobiles. In other words, if he were to come today, he could very well do what you do.”1
The God who created the entire world wasn’t above holding down a job. He knew how to put in a good day’s work.
Jesus’ incarnation helps us to dignify us as men. Jesus loved us so much that he became one of us. It also helps us to see the dignity of work. Jesus, as both God and man, learned a trade and went to work. When we do good work, we’re following the example of our Master.
1 Willard, Dallas, The Divine Conspiracy (New York: HarperCollins, 1998), p. 14.
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