Theme of the Week: Summer Fruits
Bible Verse: “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.” Colossians 3:12
Scripture Reading: Luke 22:47-53, 2 Corinthians 10:1
Me: ‘But I didn’t say that!’
My wife: ‘It is not what you said. It was how you said it!’
Ever heard that before?
Maybe I am the only husband who struggles with this, but sometimes my words don’t come across as very gentle or kind. It isn’t my desire, but as conversations sometimes go, we can get caught up in the moment, and our responses start to fall far short.
My wife knows I am frustrated and angry.
Sometimes I feel I choose my words very carefully and believe that my responses will demonstrate loving-kindness. Yet, my actions come across as very icy. As much as I wanted to hide it and do the right thing, my responses were not flowing out of a soft and tender heart being transformed by the Spirit of God.
When I try to live on my own strength and power, I may be able to manage my responses to a point, but those closest to me will eventually see through it.
In our Scripture today, we see Jesus respond in incredible kindness. While his disciple lashed out at the ones who were going to take Jesus away, Jesus himself answered, ‘No more of this.’ And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.”
We may not all carry swords anymore, but our words and actions can still cut. As we rely more deeply on God’s work and Spirit in our lives, we will see our responses bring healing to our relationships.
How is the fruit of gentleness and kindness being lived out in your life these days?
If you are like me, I needed to be reminded afresh today of God’s incredible love and kindness for me in my life. I pray that by his Spirit, his gentleness and kindness will then be able to flow out of you to everyone you encounter today!
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