Theme of the Week: Summer Fruits
Bible Verse: “Then they began to spit in Jesus’ face and beat him with their fists. And some slapped him, jeering, “Prophesy to us, you Messiah! Who hit you that time?” Matthew 26:67-68
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:57-68
I can have a pretty high sense of what is right and wrong and struggle when things feel unjust. In sports, we may feel this way with bad calls or when we feel disrespected by the opposition or even referees. Do we let the moment and emotion take over? How do we respond? If you are competitive like me, these moments can be really challenging!
In a particularly tough season of my life, I felt very unjustly attacked personally by a group of people. I certainly wasn’t perfect, but they were hurt, upset, and took an opportunity to lash out at me. Everything in me wanted desperately to defend myself, to clear up the situation. I pushed for conversation and to be able to speak. It may have been a time when I needed to listen rather than respond. It may have been a time when I needed to be silent rather than try to speak. Despite what felt like injustice, I needed more of the Spirit’s fruit of self-control in those moments.
In today’s passage, we see Jesus being treated very unjustly. He was mistreated and abused. He was asked provoking questions with the hopes of incriminating Him. If anyone had a right to respond, it was Him. Yet at points, ‘Jesus remained silent.’ He demonstrated the fruit of self-control in the midst of it all.
I am certainly thankful that Jesus had the self-control not to run away from his calling and was willing to go to the cross for me.
As we navigate through the challenges and even injustices of this life, I pray we can experience this fruit of self-control in our lives.
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