Theme of the Week: Maximum Joy
Bible Verse: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:8-9
1. Fellowship
Most of us know there is a difference in simply being a member of a family versus experiencing a warm sense of harmony. The two do not always occur. By relationship, I mean something eternal like the relationship between a father and his child. That is a forever relationship. Once I have a son, nothing and no one can ever change that relationship. He will always be my son; I will always be his father. On the other hand, fellowship is the enjoyment of such relationship.
2. Intimacy
The love of Christ has a centripetal force, that is, our Messiah is magnetic. He draws us closer and closer to Himself. This is the experience John had with Jesus, as did the rest of the disciples. This is the apostolic experience John wants to share with his readers. He wants them to enjoy an increasing intimacy with their Savior.
3. The Upper Room
The truth Jesus wished to share in the Upper Room was for the ears of believers only. But even these believers needed to be cleansed of their daily sins in order to be in fellowship with the Lord. If they were not in fellowship with Him, they would not be able to comprehend the truth He wished to share. Relationship Truth and Fellowship Truth.
4. His Love
Fellowship with Jesus is what will meet our need for intimacy at the deepest level. And that intimacy will bring joy. Verse four of chapter one tells us John’s ultimate purpose in writing this letter. He wants his readers to share his experience of Jesus so they can have the joy of fellowship with Jesus that John does. We are not to allow the love for this world, guilt, nor fear put a chain around our necks and keep us from relishing in the joy that comes from our fellowship with Him.
5. A Love Letter
In John’s first love letter, he speaks of our fellowship with Christ. It’s all about love. As our Magnetic Messiah draws us closer, we have an increasing desire to tell others about Him. And, as we proclaim Him, we are drawn even closer to Him. His love works in us to increase our fervency for Christ. The Holy Spirit wanted to leave this letter so that its’ readers might also share in this fervent intimacy with Jesus. This is true Christian fellowship. And this kind of fellowship brings the fruit of joy.
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