Theme of the Week: New Beginnings
Bible Verse: So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:7 NIV
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9, 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 15:1–8
God is a fan of growth. He leads us to transformation and change in all the right ways. I know, we’ve all heard the saying, “people don’t change,” but that’s only true when God is left out of the picture. With God’s help, the possibilities for change and growth are endless. The beginning of a new year is a great time to explore new growth in your personal and spiritual life. This week’s devotions are about spiritual disciplines that allow us to grow spiritually.
The Scriptures say that as believers in Christ, we are God’s garden—His field where He makes good things grow. The Scriptures say we are new creations in Christ; the old has gone, and the new is here. This speaks of boundless hope for all our futures. God is one amazing farmer. He will take the toughest, hardest soil and work with it to produce something so fruitful that it will surprise even the deepest cynic. Never doubt what Farmer God can do. He has been working with harder cases than you for a long, long time.
God loves to make things grow. Our job is to cooperate with Him and allow His work to produce fruit. Spiritual disciplines are the practices that help us yield to God’s work in our hearts and lives – habits we practice, on purpose.
Every farmer’s field that produces, had to yield to the farmer’s hand, plow, and seed. God is ready to make some things grow in your life. Are you ready to yield to His hand and trust Him enough to begin making spiritual habits?
Anything we do enough times in a row, creates a habit. Let’s be clear, Scripture reveals many spiritual disciplines that help us, some of these you can find on your own. Over the next days, we will look at some you can begin practicing now. As we practice them, over time, they create habits, a spiritual muscle memory. These spiritual disciplines will lead to growth—in you, God’s garden.
Prayer: Father, I ask that you help me start growing in a way that glorifies you. Help me to be faithful as well as fruitful under your hand. Guide me as I begin to understand the role of spiritual disciplines and help me build them into my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Reflection: Think about some of your unconscious habits—things you do on a regular basis without even thinking about them. Maybe some are good, some maybe not so good. These habits, over time, have made you who you are. Decide now to begin spiritual habits that glorify God so you can grow.
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