Theme of the Week: The One Who Will Never Fail
Bible Verse: “He holds in his hands the depths of the earth and the mightiest mountains. The sea belongs to him, for he made it. His hands formed the dry land, too.” Psalm 95:4-5
Scripture Reading: Psalm 95:1-5
In 23 years of ministry leadership in local, regional and national settings, I feel like nothing can surprise me anymore. Maybe, if you have worked in the people industry for a significant length of time, you feel that too. But this year has thrown that all out the window. There have been so many surprises, and I’m left feeling like I have no idea what’s happening or what will happen. The playbook I’ve had for life and leadership, the one I’ve used for so many years, is now being rewritten. Can anyone relate?
Do you think God was surprised by all that’s happened 2020? Do you think anything is going to surprise him in 2021?
I remember singing that Sunday school song “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” Do you remember it? For those of you that don’t, it was a song we sang, and it took about 30 minutes to sing each time because there were so many verses. In fact, we would make up verses on the spot. “He’s got the grandmas and the grandpas in his hands….He’s got the itsy bitsy babies….He’s got the mamas and the papas …” You get the picture.
Psalm 95 reminds me again that because everything is in his hands, everything is in his control, and nothing surprises him. He was there at the beginning; he will be there at the end!
Pastor Craig Groeschel of Life.Church said recently, “What you fear the most reveals where you trust God the least.”
Our faith really comes down to trust. So, what is your biggest fear right now? Is it your future, career, finances, relationships or health? Whatever it is, start humming that old song again. Make up a new verse and put that fear in God’s very capable hands. You can trust him with it!
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