Theme of the Week: The One Who Will Never Fail
Bible Verse: Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20b
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 3:19-20
We have been tracking this week on the theme “The One Who Will Never Fail.” So far, we have been reminded that God’s plans cannot be stopped, he cannot be surprised, and he has made a way for us to never be separated from him, his love and his acceptance!
As we are embarking on a new year, our verses today remind us of God’s infinite power. Nothing is impossible for God! Now, obviously, God would never do anything contrary to his character or his will. So, rather than turn this into a theological paper, we will leave it at that for now.
I was on a Zoom call recently where Pastor Al Derry from B.C. shared from his many years of ministry experience. It was a rich session of timely nuggets of wisdom. The big thought I personally walked away with was that after decades of ministry, he still desires to walk with the God of the Impossible. As he testified of God’s great faithfulness, his miraculous works, and his supernatural provision, I felt faith rise greatly in my heart. Yes! Walking with the God of the Impossible means possibility is always present for the believer.
The metaphor of walking with God, for me, is simply spending time with him. What you do with that time will vary, so focus on the consistency aspect for now. I remember my dad telling me how he’d heard a leader once say, “I don’t remember ever praying for an hour straight, but I also don’t remember ever going an hour without prayer.” That’s where I want to be.
As you start 2021 tomorrow, will you commit this year to walking with the God of the Impossible? Have the confidence that, whatever you face, you know possibility is present and that nothing is impossible for our God!
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