Theme of the Week: Making the Most of Vacations
Bible Verse: “When it was day, he went out and made his way to a deserted place.” Luke 4:42
Scripture Reading: Luke 4:40-44
Last year, a friend invited me to his cottage. We boated. We hiked. We ate one of his roosters. We talked. We stayed for only a few days, but we returned feeling like we’d had a week’s vacation.
Sometimes we must get away from our regular lives and rhythms and slow down. We can’t get perspective on our regular lives until we step away from our standard work patterns.
I’m struck by how often Jesus took time alone. He needed to get away from the crowds and spend time with his heavenly Father, and we do too.
As you vacation this year, look for ways to get away from your everyday life. Spend time with God without looking at the clock. Talk to him about what’s going on in your life. Ask him for perspective on what’s going on in your life. What pleases him? What needs changing?
Most of all, ask him to give you a sense of his delight in you.
If we’re not careful, vacations can get busy. If you can, try to break from your regular pace and step away from the hurry and demands. Enjoy God’s presence, slow your soul, and ask God for a bit of a reset so you can get some perspective on your life.
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