Theme of the Week: Godly Men Are Servants
Bible Verse: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” John 16:13
Scripture Reading: John 12:47-50, John 16:13
Sometimes I get accused by my wife and kids of having selective hearing. I think what they mean is that I hear what they are saying, but I’m not listening. I may hear people talking but my attention is on other voices (including my own internal voices) and I can’t repeat back to them what they said.
I think sometimes we do that with God. We read our chapter-a-day to keep the devil away and simply go through the motions of devotions, but we do not always take time to listen to what God is saying through His Word.
Again, as I have already mentioned this week, Jesus is our example of how we should live as Christians. Often, Jesus would get away from the crowds to get alone with God and pray.
Scripture doesn’t tell us everything He prayed during those times, but it does give us hints as to what some themes were. One big theme that shows up, is that Jesus must have spent time asking the Father to speak to Him. Jesus mentions that He only speaks what He hears His Father say (John 12:49). If Jesus thought the voice of His Father was important for living, we probably should as well.
If Jesus thought the voice of His Father was important for living, we probably should as well.
God speaks to us through His Spirit and He wants to guide us into all truth. If we want to be obedient as godly servants, we must first hear His directions. We all have many illustrations of trying to assemble things without first looking at the directions – it just doesn’t work that well, does it?
We must be open to hearing God’s voice through prayer, worship times, the Scriptures and sometimes through others speaking to us. Godly servants are listeners and this is such an important discipline.
I know you’re busy, but could you take a few minutes to ask God to speak to you? Perhaps for you it might mean picking up the Bible to read and reflect on what you’re reading.
We all need God’s voice in our lives so we can do the things He’s asking us to do!
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