Theme of the Week: The Heart
Bible Verse: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
Scripture Reading: Psalm 37:4-7
The desires of your heart can be good. This is a message so many of us need to hear. C.H. Spurgeon once said, “It is supposed by most that our religion consists in things we must not do rather than in pleasures we may enjoy.”
Earlier this week, we looked at the book of Jeremiah, where we discovered that our hearts are deceitful and are defrauding us of life. But yesterday, we learned from Ezekiel and Psalms that God can give us a new heart, and he can clean our sinful hearts. Jesus once said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” A new and clean heart is possible, and with it, we get to see God.
So how do we make sure the desires of our heart are not continuing to deceive us?
The Psalmist tells us how we can keep strengthening our new heart – delight ourselves in God. Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when he called us to “Love God with all of our heart.” That God would be our greatest joy and highest purpose. As we grow in delighting in God, he gives us desires that reflect what he is like.
John Piper says that to delight in God means three things:
- Delight in God as the most admirable person and reality in the universe.
- Delight in God as your intimate Savior and friend.
- Delight in God through gratefully receiving every good gift he has given you.
When we delight in God, our perspective on life changes and the desires of our heart become the same as what are in his heart. These are the desires God will love to give you.
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