Theme of the Week: The God Who Is There
Bible Verse: “All things were created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:16b
Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:15-20; Genesis 1:27
Every story has a central character or theme which the entire story revolves around. If you think about your favorite movie, even if there are multiple characters in the story, the overall theme still revolves around one character.
Our lives are the same way. Most men will build their life around pursuing dreams or taking care of their families. We often make ourselves (or someone or something else) the center of the story. But over time, we find the flaws in this way of doing life. We let ourselves down, or that dream fails to fully satisfy our needs and desires.
The biblical perspective is that God is the center of the story. The book of Colossians teaches us that everything was made by Jesus for the glory of Jesus. In Genesis 1, we are taught that we were made in the image of God. This means you and I were not made for our own dreams to be the center of our existence. As his image-bearers, we were created to reflect him – to give all of creation a glimpse of what God is like. He was always meant to be the center of the story and not us.
Whoever is the center of the story is who we are ultimately worshiping. Our life revolves around that hobby or person – even if it is ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I have found that I’m not really worth worshiping. And it can get pretty stressful to try and keep everything together, with me as the center of the story. When you live through the lens of God being the center of the story, there is peace and clarity of purpose for your life.
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