Theme of the Week: A Godly Home
Bible Verse: He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37, CSB
Scripture Reading: Exodus 20:3-4; Matthew 22:34-40
There is a good reason why the first two of the Ten Commandments are about idolatry. No matter what century we live in, human beings are prone to worship idols. We can turn just about anything into a god.
Some people make marriage their idol.
They believe it is in marriage where they’ll find personal value, their true meaning in life, and the source for deep inner happiness.
But to expect these kinds of experiences from marriage is not only foolish, it is idolatry.
Bow down to marriage, and you soon discover a life of deep disappointment. Expecting your spouse and your kids to satisfy these needs is a longing no human or group of humans can ever meet.
Gary Thomas reminds us that, “Marriage isn’t designed to make us happy, it’s designed to make us holy.”
Marriage is an intimate relationship God intended to use for a number of reasons in our lives, including to shape us more into the image of Jesus. It is a place to learn patience, trust, communication, conflict resolution, love and a host of other character values. Marriage is more like a classroom than a castle. It is more a tool to grow and shape us than a trophy to be polished and adored.
Marriage makes a terrible idol. It was never intended to satisfy our deepest longings and give our lives deep meaning and purpose. That is something only God can do. And God alone is the only one worthy of worship.
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