The God Who Shows Recap

In Daily Devotional by Mauricio Rosa

Theme of the Week: The God Who Shows

Bible Verse: “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” Psalm 8:3-4, ESV

Scripture Reading: Matthew 11:27

Our God is a real God who decided to show himself to us. God has chosen to not only share his greatness and glory but to give of himself in creating all things so he would be known. This week, we saw that this is a good thing.

God is Real: How do we know God exists? The short answer is: God shows us. The first way God reveals himself is through all that he has made. The universe, what we know and its mysteries, its splendor and its laws in which it operates, reveals to us the existence of God.

God showed His Truth: You cannot suppress something unless you have it! If people suppress the truth about God, it means they have the truth about God.

God shows our Hearts: If you do not worship the true God, then you have to be worshiping something else.

God Took Our Place: If the essence of sin is us taking God’s place, the essence of salvation is God taking our place. That is good news.

God’s Worthy of Praise: The only way to get your hearts to stop worshiping the wrong things is to worship the right thing.

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Mauricio Rosa
Mauricio Rosa is a pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary. His passions are teaching and discipleship. He is married to Christin and together they have three children.
Mauricio Rosa
Mauricio Rosa is a pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary. His passions are teaching and discipleship. He is married to Christin and together they have three children.