Theme of the Week: Sin Is Real
Bible Verse: He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree; so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but you have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 1 Peter 2:24-25, CSB
Scripture Reading: John 3:14-21
Throughout the week, we have looked at sin a little deeper and from different angles.
Truthfully, we could spend a long time talking about sin, but hopefully, in this week’s devotions, you can know that sin is real.
If we don’t take sin seriously, it can take a real toll on our lives and the lives of other people close to us. The more we minimize the reality of sin in our own lives and in our culture, we inadvertently minimize the Good News and what Jesus did for our sins. If the approach to sin is “whatever,” then we will never truly understand the significance of God’s love for you and our attitude toward God will be “whatever.”
Sin does have real consequences as we live our day to day life, but it also has eternal consequences if we aren’t right with God. Do you know Jesus literally died and took on the punishment for your sins? Maybe you heard that before from your Sunday school teacher or parents when you were growing up, but have you taken a second to really think about it?
Jesus had his flesh ripped off as he was beaten to the point of no longer being recognized. He was nailed to the cross for hours as his blood poured out so your sins can be forgiven. Sin is real because if it wasn’t, Jesus would never have done that for you.
The good news is that Jesus died for all of us, and he extends his grace to you right now. Maybe you haven’t taken sin seriously, and this week your eyes were opened. I want you to know no matter how far down the road of sin you have traveled, you can always turn to God.
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