The Prayer of Supplication

In Daily Devotional by Dany Soto

Bible Verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 19:15-19; 1 Chronicles 4:10; Daniel 9:4-19

The Creator and sustainer of all life, the Almighty ruler of the universe who spoke all things into existence, He who is high and lifted up, delights in caring for His children and providing for their needs.

What an incredible thought!

He is all-knowing and yet instructs us to share our requests with Him. He is a loving God who wants us to draw near to Him like a child can comfortably come near their dad in times of need.

In fact, Scripture tells us to come into His presence boldly and consistently (Hebrews 4:16). We are encouraged to be persistent in prayer, always bringing our needs before the Lord.

Most men are fixers. We fret and strategize, trying to work out a plan or system to resolve whatever issues arise. When there is a need, we do everything possible to figure out a solution.

While it’s great to be involved and proactive, the truth is that many problems come up in life that we are entirely powerless to affect, no matter how much we strive or how hard we work. Life has a way of humbling us by presenting us with challenges that are too great for us.

They are overwhelming for us but not for God.


We are told not to worry about the logistics of how things will be taken care of. We are simply instructed to bring our needs to Him and let Him worry about the complexities (which aren’t complex for Him at all!) (Matthew 6:9-13; Matthew 6:25-34).

God doesn’t depend on our resources; Heaven’s supply is endless. God is not hindered or perplexed by the challenges that we face; He is more than able to do whatever He desires. He is a miracle-working God who can make all things out of nothing.

In our moments of despair, when we feel the weight of the world on our shoulders, remember that our Heavenly Father is ready and willing to lift those burdens. So, let’s come before Him with confidence, trusting in His unfailing love and provision. Our petitions are never burdens to Him; they’re an opportunity to witness His divine intervention and grace.

As we come to the end of our week exploring different types of prayer, may we broaden the scope of our prayer lives by implementing these different prayers into our daily walk with the Lord.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come before you with my needs, trusting in Your boundless provision and unfailing love. Help me to lean on You and not rely solely on my own efforts. Remind me to come boldly and persistently in prayer, knowing that You are more than able to handle any challenge I face. Please lift the burdens from my shoulders and help me to trust in Your divine intervention and grace. Amen.

Reflection: What personal needs can you bring before the Lord today?

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Dany Soto
Dany Soto is the English pastor at Logos Baptist Church Mississauga, where he has served as the main English teacher/preacher for the last six years. He loves discussing and unpacking theology and apologetics in a way that is applicable and easy to understand. He and his wife live in Halton, Ontario.
Dany Soto
Dany Soto is the English pastor at Logos Baptist Church Mississauga, where he has served as the main English teacher/preacher for the last six years. He loves discussing and unpacking theology and apologetics in a way that is applicable and easy to understand. He and his wife live in Halton, Ontario.