Theme of the Week: Living Victoriously
Bible Verse: But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-58
When it comes to living victoriously, we cannot do it by ourselves. Thankfully, it’s not dependent on us. Our verse today is 1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our victory is not in and of ourselves or anything we can accomplish on our own. It comes through Jesus, because only He can conquer death, sin, sickness, and darkness.
Living victoriously begins and ends with Jesus. There is no victory without Jesus, because through Christ and His sacrifice, He gives us the power and strength to overcome whatever is trying to defeat us.
This week we are going to talk about living victoriously. And it’s important to recognize the tense of that verb it is in the present tense. We don’t want to rest on our ideals of a time before when we were victorious, and we aren’t waiting for some unknown future to be victorious. With Jesus, we can be victorious now. We can have life and life to its fullest.
When Jesus walked the earth, He lived a victorious life. He was victorious over sickness, nature, demons, and death itself. It is because of His victory that we too can live in victory. Understand, that doesn’t mean life won’t be hard, or that we won’t stumble and even fall from time to time.
Jesus shows us that true victory looks nothing like this world often defines victory. Jesus tells us that victory lies in being humble. Victory is reached through service and pursued through childlike faith. What Jesus shows us is counter-intuitive, but it is the more excellent way.
Let’s explore together what living victoriously in Jesus looks like.
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, that my victory is in you. Thank you for your patience when I try to do things on my own and make a mess. I need your power and your strength to fill my heart, mind, body and soul for the day and week ahead.
Reflection: What am I still trying to do on my own strength? Are there any areas in my life that are off-limits to God?
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