Theme of the Week: Godly Men Are Protectors
Bible Verse: “Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house, your children, like young olive trees around your table.” Psalm 128:3 ESV
Scripture Reading: Psalm 128:1-6
At first glance, Psalm 128 seems to promise too much. If you fear the LORD, Psalm 128 says, “You will be happy, and it will go well for you.”
Psalm 128 applies the blessings promised in Deuteronomy 28 if Israel obeyed God, which they didn’t. You only have to read the start of Psalm 129 or Job to realize that we live in a broken world, and that things don’t always go well even when we fear and obey God.
But an important principle remains. The Gospel Transformation Bible explains it like this: “As this man, this husband and father, lives by God’s grace a life in the fear of God, he can expect God’s blessing to rest on his labor, on his wife, and on his children. Call this the “umbrella principle,” perhaps. One man holds the umbrella faithfully, and, by God’s grace, countless others are protected under the cover it provides.”1
Men: One of the best ways that you can provide the protection to those you love is to fear and obey God. Not only will this benefit you, but it will extend protection and care for everyone around you.
- Honor your wife and sacrifice for her.
- Refuse passivity.
- Protect your children’s hearts.
- Take a stand.
- Fear God, and you will extend an umbrella of protection to those around you.
1 George Robertson and Bruce A. Ware, “Psalms,” in ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible: Christ in All of Scripture, Grace for All of Life, ed. Bryan Chapell and Dane Ortlund (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2013), 775.
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