Theme of the Week: Wandering In The Wilderness
Bible Verse: The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down from here. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” Jesus answered, “It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Luke 4:9-12
I used to work for my dad who was a plumber. Sometimes the work was great and enjoyable and sometimes not so much. Digging ditches was one of the least enjoyable things that I had to do.
He would give me instructions for what I needed to do and then he would go and do other stuff. Sometimes, he would come back, and I would be looking for something, anything, else to do. He would ask me if the ditch was dug, and I would sheepishly reply that it wasn’t. He would inevitably ask, “What was the last thing I told you?”
When Satan tempted Jesus, he tried to bring confusion to the last thing the Father told the Son. Remember? God said, “You are my Son, whom I love. With You I am well pleased.”
Satan calls that into question. “Throw yourself down,” he says. “Let’s see if your Father really does love you.”
It’s this question of love that we need to get really clear in our minds.
Our mental health is deeply dependent on remembering what God has told us. Anxiety and fear creep in (or sometimes rush in) when we forget that we are deeply loved by God and that His love can be trusted.
John writes, “Perfect love drives out fear.”
This is why we need to be reading God’s Word daily. We need to read it, meditate on it, memorize it.
Jesus knew and remembered the last thing His Father said. He knew He was loved. He knew that He wasn’t alone. He knew that He was being watched over.
Brothers, do you remember? Do you know that you are a child of God? Do you remember that you are never alone?
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