Bible Verse: “His delight is in the LORD’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.” (Psalm 1:1)
Scripture Reading: Psalm 1:1-6
I like the book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. It details how 161 artists and creatives overcome the daily obstacles to do the work that matters to them.
One thing I love about the book is that every creator is different. Some wrote standing up. Some wrote lying in bed. Some worked in small bursts. Some wrote all day. Everyone is different, but each artist found what worked for them and built a plan around it.
I’ve found the same thing applies to reading the Bible.
You need a plan that works for you. When we leave Bible reading to chance, it probably won’t happen. You need two things:
- First, a regular time that works for you. There’s no “right” time. Find one that works for you, not other men, and one that’s doable most of the time. Keep experimenting until you find what works. Make it as easy as possible, because there are no extra points for making this difficult.
- Second, find a doable Bible reading plan. Start small. If you’re just starting to read the Bible, I recommend a two-year Bible reading plan like this one. But if you want, you can create your own plan using a Bible reading plan generator.
The good news: it only takes about seven minutes a day to read the entire Bible over two years. It doesn’t take much time. It just takes a regular time and a good plan.
Prayer: Lord, please give me wisdom to find a time to regularly read the Bible and help me find a good reading plan. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Reflection: What’s the best time to read the Bible for you? And what’s a Bible reading plan that will work for you?
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