Theme of the Week: Trusting God
Bible Verse: “In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” Psalm 56:4 ESV
Scripture Reading: Psalm 56:1-13
Psalm 56 was written in crisis. David, in fear for his life, fled from Saul and landed in Gath, the hometown of Goliath (1 Samuel 17:4). In a Philistine city, he was in double trouble: surrounded by foreign enemies while being chased by the leader of his own people. To say he was under stress as he wrote “in God I trust” would be an understatement.
Each day this week we will discuss how to practice trust in God when life is hard. It begins, as David shows us in this Psalm, with praise God for who God is. God is powerful (Psalm 56:4b), compassionate (Psalm 56:8), available to listen to your unvarnished thoughts (Psalm 56:7), and he is not silent (Psalm 56:4a & Psalm 56:10).
Even when stress overwhelms us, it is possible to trust God. In whatever situation you find yourself this week—even if you’re surrounded on all sides—may your days be filled with praise. As David wrote under great duress, “In God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Psalm 56:11)
Prayer: Dear Lord, the greatest burden in my life right now is __________. This situation stresses me out, to the point that my trust in you is wavering. But even in this situation, God, I praise you. I remember your character and I remember your care for me. Thank you for your love, God. Truly, you are worthy of praise, even in this situation. Amen.
Reflection: Despite David’s terrible situation, Psalm 56 reveals that he continued to practice his faith. He still “made vows” to God and rendered “thank offerings” (vs. 12). Everyone lets things slide when they’re under stress. Which practices of your faith are you likely to let go of because of what you’re facing? Going through the motions of your faith this week may be the impetus you need to turn to God with trust and praise.
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