three crosses at sunset

Two Tickets to Paradise

In Daily Devotional, Forgiveness, Life Issues by Steven Sukkau

Theme of the Week: Seven Sayings from the Cross

Saying 2: “Today you will be with Me in paradise.” Luke 24:43

Scripture Reading: Luke 23:39-42

This is one of the most fascinating exchanges in the Bible. Two thieves, both guilty and paying for their crimes alongside their Creator, were caught unexpectedly in the most important moment in history.

This scene proves that no matter where we’ve come from or what we’ve done when confronted with Jesus, our response can change everything.

The first thief cursed Jesus in bitterness. The second thief showed a fear of God, acknowledged his own crimes with humility, and then made an honest observation about Jesus: “This man has done nothing wrong.”

Many people stop here. They admit Jesus was a good person but don’t take the thought to its full conclusion.

“Remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

This statement reveals the thief’s belief in Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God and responds to the invitation. Was it enough? Does this audacious thief have no shame?

Jesus makes it abundantly clear, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Do you wonder if you’re too far gone? Too broken and sinful to be saved? Remember, the deciding vote is Jesus. Salvation is about what He did, not about what we’ve done in the past.

The ticket to paradise is paid in full and waiting, you just have to claim it.

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Steven Sukkau
Steven Sukkau is a writer, journalist and radio broadcaster living on the Canadian prairies with his wife, two daughters and hyperactive terrier.
Steven Sukkau
Steven Sukkau is a writer, journalist and radio broadcaster living on the Canadian prairies with his wife, two daughters and hyperactive terrier.