Theme of the Week: Book of the Bible – Philippians
Bible Verse: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:1-23
Which superhero universe do you like most, Marvel or DC?
Apparently, this is a question that really matters to some people. There are all kinds of arguments for and against each universe. I personally don’t care although, if push came to shove, I’m kind of a big Batman fan, making me a DC guy.
But one thing all superhero fans can agree on is that it is fascinating to imagine what a person with superpowers could do.
If you had to choose one superpower, what would it be? I think mine might be the ability to fly.
Paul has a unique superpower; he has learned to be content in any and every situation.
Isn’t the reason we want superpowers, or an advantage, is so that we can make our lives the best they can be? We want to be able to remove obstacles so that we can be happy.
But what if we could be happy even when the obstacles remain?
That was Paul’s strength. He didn’t need to be free from suffering. He didn’t need to be free from financial struggles. He didn’t need everyone to like him or support him.
He was happy and content no matter what situation he was in.
The reason he could do this was through Christ. Jesus strengthened Paul so that he could do all things.
Jesus was able to accomplish this because He came and experienced all things Himself. He endured suffering and loneliness and betrayal and yet He never sinned.
As Paul surrendered himself to Jesus and allowed Jesus to fill him, he was able to face all of his own struggles with grace and joy.
That same power is available for you today. In Jesus, you can have that same superpower.
You may be experiencing great difficulty in your marriage or with your kids. Maybe there is something at work that is not going like you hoped. Maybe financial success is avoiding you like the plague. You can still be content. You can still be full of joy. You can still be happy.
Trust in Christ who can strengthen you.
Prayer: Lord Jesus. I have fallen. I have failed. The enemy would like to see me give up, to quit. And I feel that desire in my own heart. But Lord, be my strength. Help me to get back up on my feet and to start running again. By your grace, help me to finish the race well. I press on towards You. I fix my eyes on You. I am running to You. Thank you for forgiving my sins. Thank you for patching me up. Thank you for cheering me on the whole way. Amen.
Reflection: Where do you feel like giving up? Where does it feel too hopeless to go on? Share that with someone and ask them to pray for you to have the strength to get up and keep going.
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