Bible Verse: Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
Scripture Reading: Luke 23
There’s always a danger in trying to get through a whole book of the Bible in a week of devotions. Inevitably, something important gets missed. This week, we’ve been trying to go through the Gospel of Luke. We’ve been able to look at who Jesus said He was; the fact that how we understand Jesus has implications for how we live; that we cannot call Him Lord (either God or boss) and not let that impact our actions; and we’ve wrestled with the idea that sometimes Jesus needs to undo what we think we know about Him.
We’ve missed much of what Jesus said and did in Luke. Read the Gospel for yourself to see and hear more of Jesus. But today’s passage, Jesus’s incredible prayer from the cross, is a fitting place to wrap up the week. This act sums up who Jesus was and what He did and calls us to do.
From a place of agony that was part of His fulfillment of the role of Messiah, an act of sacrifice and literal taking up of His cross, He sought the good of others. During His own pain and sacrifice, He offered even more. He gave Himself to the uttermost for the sake of others. This act proclaimed good news to the poor and liberation to the captives. His sacrifice and His prayer for the people’s forgiveness revealed the full heart of God for His lost creation.
Jesus showed us God, asks us to make a decision about Him, and expects that we live a life that aligns with our declaration. Where do you stand with Jesus?
Prayer: God of redemption, thank You for the life, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Continue to help me understand who You are and what You ask of me. Give me the strength to follow You, my Lord and my God.
Reflection: What has the forgiveness of God meant to you? How do you express gratitude for the forgiveness that Jesus offers?
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