Theme of the Week: Why We Can’t Get Our Act Together?
Bible Verse: “For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me.” Romans 7:22-23, CSB
Scripture Reading: Romans 7:14-25
Even when I want to be a better person, I find that part of me really doesn’t want to be better. I end up conflicted and at war within myself.
That’s why our efforts to change always fall short. No matter how much we want to change, and no matter what strategies we try, we sabotage ourselves.
You’ve probably experienced this yourself. No matter how hard we try to change, we can’t change using our own strength. We simply don’t have what it takes. We’re too conflicted, and our efforts to change ourselves will always end up in frustration. We’re never going to win the battle against sin on our own.
That’s why self-help books don’t work. They always presume that we have what it takes to change within us, but we don’t. I like how Jared Wilson puts it: “We keep looking for the answer within us, as if we’ll find it in the same place as the problems. Self-help is like sticking your broken hand in the blender, thinking that’ll fix it.1”
We don’t need a better version of ourselves. We need help from someone else if we’re really going to change.
1 The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can’t Get Their Act Together, Jared Wilson, Baker Publishing Group, 2017.
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