Theme of the Week: Why Did God Create Me?
Bible Verse: “Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see. It was their faith that made our ancestors pleasing to God.” Hebrews 11:1-2, CEV
Scripture Reading: John 14:15-31
There is something beautiful about you, and that’s the faith that you have! Yes, your faith makes you beautiful. Human beings are born with the ability to believe in things that are possible as well as in things that are impossible. That makes you a believer! Maybe you don’t consider yourself as someone with great faith, but know that it’s not even about how big or how small your faith is. It’s about the simple fact that there is faith in you. Look for yourself!
Faith is like love. We are all born with the ability to love, and as we grow up we learn to love. We don’t all love the same things, but we all love someone or something, simply because we were made to love. The same goes with faith: We were all made to believe, and we can all learn to walk by faith.
The question is: Who or what do you believe in?
God wants you to believe in him… with all your heart, mind and soul. You may need a little help in that area. Well, that’s exactly where God’s Spirit comes in! As our helper, he intervenes in our heart to connect us to our Heavenly Father. Salvation is the greatest and most precious miracle that you can experience by faith, and it opens the door to a world of possibilities as God can do things that are beyond your imagination.
Write it down somewhere: You are a believer, and when you choose to believe in him, anything… Yes, ANYTHING can happen!
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