Theme of the Week: Spiritual Gifts
Bible Verse: “Now grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” Ephesians 4:7
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-16
Some people really excel at giving gifts. When you open their presents, you see how much work and thought they’ve put into what they selected for you.
Ephesians outlines some of the amazing gifts that God has given us. In the first chapter of Ephesians, Paul describes God by how lavishly He has given us “every spiritual blessing” (1:3).
Later in Ephesians, Paul outlines one of the blessings He’s given us: spiritual gifts. In Ephesians 4:7-8, Paul says that Jesus has given gifts to the church just as a conqueror gives gifts to his people. As John Stott says, God gives saving grace to every believer that allows them to be made right with God. He also gives serving grace, which equips God’s people to serve others. 1
Paul describes the role of leaders as equipping everyone in the church for the work of the ministry, which leads to the church growing in unity and maturity. He uses the idea of a body working together, with each part of the body playing its role.
Jesus knew just what the church needed. He’s provided the church with the perfect gifts: not just salvation, but the ability to serve in the church. Everyone’s needed for the health and growth of the church.
I know a lot of Christians who believe that God has saved them but hasn’t given them a gift they can use to serve others. But here’s the truth: if you’re a Christian, God has given you a spiritual gift and a role to play. You’re needed!
Thank God for giving the church just what it needs, including an important role for you to play within the church.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for giving us these two amazing gifts: saving grace and serving grace. Thank you that we all play a role in growing the church and helping her become healthy. Help me to use my spiritual gifts for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Reflection: How can you use my abilities to serve others today?
1 Stott, John R. W., God’s New Society: The Message of Ephesians, The Bible Speaks Today (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1979), 156.
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