Daily Devotional

Daily encouragement designed for men to grow your relationship with Jesus.

The Baby Warrior

Theme of the Week: Light Broke Down Bible Verse: “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through...

The Story of Christmas in One Word

Theme of the Week: Light Broke Down Bible Verse: “He did not even spare his own Son but gave him...

Our Unwillingness vs. Jesus’ Willingness

Theme of the Week: Light Broke Down Bible Verse: “Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not...

A Story Like No Other

Theme of the Week: Light Broke Down Bible Verse: “Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the...

The Danger of Familiarity

Theme of the Week: Light Broke Down Bible Verse: “For to us a child is born, to us, a son...

Recap: The Good News That God Doesn’t Believe In You

Theme of the Week: The Good News That God Doesn’t Believe In You Bible Verse: “His divine power has given...

In Jesus Only

Theme of the Week: The Good News That God Doesn’t Believe In You Bible Verse: “But you are a chosen...

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Thank you for the devotionals so far this week. At 4am this morning I felt overwhelmed and decided to come back to Impactus now for the devotional … I was reminded of God's un-wavering grace "big aerial view". It reminds me to trust him and make my decisions based on praying to God to follow his plan in his world, not following my plan.
Wayne, an email subscriber

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