Boxed in by Pride

In Daily Devotional by LifeBridge Church

Theme of the Week: Boxed In

Bible Verse: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:10

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:9-14

Have you ever met a “me-monster”? Look at how much better I am than them. They’re constantly measuring up by either maximizing themselves or by minimizing others in an effort to feel superior. This kind of superiority complex is deeply rooted in pride. It’s a type of self-righteousness that attempts to mask fears and insecurities. When pride boxes us in, we miss out on mercy, and so do those around us.

In Jesus’ story of the two men praying, he contrasts the trappings of pride with the freedom found in humility. The prideful Pharisee made everything a competition by constantly calculating how he measured up with the world around him. The tax collector saw himself for who he really was and approached God with humility. That humility led to an abundance of mercy, forgiveness, and freedom.

If you find yourself wanting to puff yourself up or tear others down, that’s pride boxing you in. It will distance you from God and others. We can’t forget that God’s perfection is the standard for which we should measure ourselves. None of us measure up by ourselves. It’s only by the mercy of God that comes by Jesus Christ that we have any opportunity to experience forgiveness and freedom. He pardons our sin and imparts the righteousness of Christ to us.

Question: What situations do you tend to get prideful in? The more honestly and humbly you confess, the more you’ll experience the mercy of God.

Devotional series provided by LifeBridge Church

Copyright © 2020 Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

LifeBridge Church
LifeBridge in Kennesaw, GA, is a safe place to explore faith & following Jesus. Their purpose is to bridge the gap for each other from where we are to where God wants us to be.
LifeBridge Church
LifeBridge in Kennesaw, GA, is a safe place to explore faith & following Jesus. Their purpose is to bridge the gap for each other from where we are to where God wants us to be.