Making a Godly Impact

In Daily Devotional by Rick Verkerk

Theme of the Week: The Lord Is With You

Bible Verse: “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” Judges 6:12 NIV

Scripture Reading: Judges 6:1-40

All of us play a part in contributing to the kingdom of God. Whether large or small, each part is seen as valuable by the Lord. But many of us fail to see the potential in ourselves that God sees in us.

God called Gideon to serve with, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” Gideon had his doubts, felt unworthy, and did not see himself as a hero. Like Gideon, we too often think we could never make a godly impact. However, just as God showed Gideon, when he is with you, you have supernatural power to complete what God is calling you to do.

What can we learn from Gideon? Three principles:

1. Make a difference

God created us to make a difference. Each of us has a desire to be difference-makers, so who are the people around us that we are to impact for the Lord? God knows and will lead us to seek them out. But when we hide as Gideon did, then we cannot find them.

2. Stop the excuses

It is time to get rid of the excuses, fears and doubts. They make us believe God will only use us when we are ready. Gideon was never going to be ready, but the Lord still called him. God does not wait for us to be capable. He just wants us to be willing. He takes care of the rest. Stop talking about what you can’t do, and focus on being willing.

3. Be prepared to pay

Making an impact for the Lord comes with a price. Gideon demolished an altar, and the men of the town wanted to kill him. Gideon was still afraid and had to deal with his emotions, but the Lord delivered on his promises to Gideon. (Judges 6:36-40, 7:10) What he wants from you is your willingness to go all in and not be afraid, whatever the cost, because the Lord promises to be with you.

Copyright © 2021 Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

Rick Verkerk
Rick Verkerk provides Conference Management Services for Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. Married for more than forty years to Wendy, they have three adult sons, and two beautiful daughters-in-law. He has a passion for seeing every man in Canada develop a relationship with God.
Rick Verkerk
Rick Verkerk provides Conference Management Services for Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. Married for more than forty years to Wendy, they have three adult sons, and two beautiful daughters-in-law. He has a passion for seeing every man in Canada develop a relationship with God.